Ditch the resume and invest in yourself!

How much longer are you going to wait for something good to happen?

Hey there. My name is Tim Stoddart. I live in Nashville with my best friend and my wife, Juliana. I am the CEO of Stodzy Inc, the owner of Sober Nation and a managing partner in Copyblogger.

I Help Aspiring Entrepreneurs Build Successful Personal Brands

I can’t understand why people wouldn’t invest in themselves.

Instead, most of us are busy investing in other people. We are building other people’s dreams and we are chasing the next carrot on a stick.

Why? Stop. There’s a better way.

We live in a digital world. The easiest and most straight forward path for anyone to build profitable income streams is through building a personal brand. Why would you waste time doing anything else?

I can’t understand why so many people spend hours filling out job applications, sending out resumes, waiting to be picked. It’s time you pick yourself and build your own influence so that opportunities come to you!

You Can Build a Personal Brand Around Anything

What are you interested in? What is something you could do every day and never get sick of? What are you about? What is your contribution to the world?


Most people have a misconception that building a personal brand is about being “Instafamous” by posting selfies and checking your phone every thirty seconds to see how many likes you got.


Building your personal brand is about showing your work, it’s about creating something of value and sharing it with the world. It’s about finding the people you wish to serve and creating value for those people.

A by-product of this service will be the success you see. Success will come as monetary gain and as fulfillment in life.

Choose Yourself and Get Out of the Rat Race

A few years ago, I was helping my sister find a job.

Over the course of a few months, she handed out dozens of resumes. Did you know that today, companies expect each resume to also have a cover letter?

So now, we are asking people to make resumes for their resumes.

Guess what happened?

After months of job seeking, she got an entry-level position for hardly any pay. After 4 years of college and being a successful student-athlete, my sister had to start from the bottom.


Finally, my sister had enough. My sister is a state champ swimmer and she loves working with female athletes. So she quit her job (ahem … got fired) and started building her email list. She found female athletes in her neighborhood and she built a personal brand around what she loves.

Yes, my sister still has a job. No, my sister is not a full-time entrepreneur.

That’s not the point.

Because of her personal brand, my sister now has options. She has influence. She doesn’t need to fill out resumes because she ads value to any company that wants to work with her.

That’s how you succeed in today’s landscape. Resumes are a complete waste of time.

What If I’m Not an Entrepreneur? What If I Like Having a Job?

This is a question that I get a lot, and my answer is simple.

Just because you aren’t an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build your own personal brand. In fact, if you like being an employee, that should be even more reason to build a personal brand.

Last year, I needed physical therapy for some back pain. I found my physical therapist by watching YouTube video on stretches.

It turns out, he worked right in Nashville down the street. Imagine how much value he brings to any company he works at. Imagine how much money he could demand knowing that he brings his own personal brand with him.

Why isn’t everyone building their personal brand?

How Do I Get Started?

Enough about why.

Let’s talk about how.

One of the reasons why most people don’t take the time to build their personal brand is because they are intimidated by the process.

  • Should I build a website?
  • How can I get in front of people?
  • Should I create a Facebook page?
  • When should I try to monetize?
  • Should I build an email list?

It’s intimidating. No doubt.

For that reason, I have created Success Labs. You don't have to do this alone. We will guide you on the path of building a successful personal brand and building a business around the lifestyle you want.

Here at Success Labs, our goal is to help you...

  • Meet others just like you - People who will support you and hold you accountable to your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations.
  • Set goals and then create a plan of action to hit them - A goal without a plan is just a wish. By joining Success Labs, you will learn the ultimate action plan to help you discover your "desired end result" so that you can set your time and your resources and deliver maximum results.
  • Get answers  - You don't need motivation, you need answers to your questions. Our community will support you with tactics, education, and accountability.
  • Groups and events - Attend and participate in live webinars, workshops, meetings, and groups so you can find success in business, health, career, relationships, and fulfillment. 

Why You Should Join the Community

Every day, we share useful and helpful tips and resources that will give you the power to conquer your demons, silence your self-doubt and get after your goals!

Our success is built on focus, hard work, and data-driven insights. Our mission is to teach you the SPECIFIC actions that you can put to use that will have a real impact on your income, your health, your happiness, and your purpose.

You'll get...

Live Personal Branding Workshops - Weekly lessons in which I go over examples of how I've used different strategies to increase traffic, influence, and sales.

Curated Resources - We share daily resources on what's working with personal branding. This could include social media advice, content marketing tactics, SEO skills, and tips and sales and marketing.

Exclusive Interviews - I surround myself with successful people. Some of which have sold companies for tens of millions of dollars. I will bring them into my community so they can share insights on how they achieved such levels of success.

About Tim Stoddart

I am a serial entrepreneur and fitness fanatic. In the last 10 years, I have founded or invested in 7 profitable companies. Each year, our companies see millions of dollars of revenue and bring in extremely high profits.

I believe that starting and growing a business is one of the most rewarding things you can do with your life. Good business puts money in your pocket, it gives you the freedom to live life on your terms and it is a way to add value to the world.

A truly successful business is bigger than your personal success. A successful business has to make other people's lives better. That's the true definition of success.

In my community, I will teach you EXACTLY how to use the internet to build your business and help you achieve massive success.